Mariano was the best outgoing student of his batch during under graduation in medicine at Coimbatore Medical College (best outgoing student), received the gold medal from the Prime Minister of India when finishing his obstetrics and gynaecology training in JIPMER (an institute of national importance) and fellowship in reproductive medicine in Christian Medical College (which was the first teaching hospital in India to provide an IVF service).
He received his MRCOG from the Royal College and his European Fellowship in Reproductive Medicine (EFRM) degree from ESHRE.
Mariano was a clinical fellow at Leeds for 6 years (during which time he obtained the British Fertility Society Young Clinician award) and subsequently moved to Glasgow to be a consultant. He functioned as the HFEA person responsible and as deputy medical director whilst in Glasgow and subsequently returned to Care Fertility Leeds as a consultant in reproductive medicine.
Mariano’s primary clinical interest is in fertility preservation and was part of a team which set up an online patient decision aid for women to navigate their fertility preservation options ( His special interests include the use of 3D ultrasound in the fertility treatment pathway and he was instrumental in setting up the 3D transvaginal ultrasound service at Leeds.
He has published over 30 papers in international peer-reviewed journals, written three book chapters, was the lead author on the British Fertility Society practice and policy paper on recurrent implantation failure and is a Cochrane author. He is the deputy to the practice and policy chair of the British Fertility Society.
He has a passion for teaching and an undergraduate project he supervised was awarded the best poster in the British Fertility Society conference in 2021.
Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, British Fertility Society
Book chapters: