Egg donation is a generous act that helps others build a family. We ensure your journey is rewarding, supportive, and designed with care.
Why become an egg donor?
Egg donation is an opportunity to give someone the chance of becoming a parent, and if you’re the kind of person who likes to help others, it can be a truly rewarding experience. Your generosity can make a real difference to someone’s life.
If you donate your eggs at Care Fertility UK, you’ll receive £985 to cover your time and expenses.
When I read about egg donation, I just instantly knew I was meant to do this. My only thought was, there are families out there who want a child, and this may be their only way. I need to give someone that chance. Care Fertility were absolutely amazing from start to finish, I felt incredibly supported and informed throughout.
Criteria for donating eggs in the UK
Egg donation is a very personal decision based on generosity and altruism. However, the health of our donors and children born is paramount, and there are some key criteria for our prospective egg donors:
- You should be between 18 and 36 years old, as the quality of eggs can reduce after age 36 (you can’t donate eggs after your 36th birthday)
- You need to be fit and healthy with no family history of hereditary illnesses.
- For your safety, your BMI should be below 35.
If you fit these criteria, you could be exactly who we’re looking for.
The process of donating your eggs
Before you can undergo the egg donation procedure, you’ll first have a medical assessment. This involves:
- Filling out detailed medical questionnaires which detail your medical history, and your family’s medical history.
- Having an initial call with a Specialist Donation Practitioner from the Egg Donor Support Team, who will discuss the egg donation process with you in detail.
- Visiting your local Care Fertility clinic for some hormone blood tests and a vaginal ultrasound scan.
Once your results are back from your hormone tests and scan, you’ll have another appointment with the Specialist Donation Practitioner, to review your results and go over the next steps.
Providing you meet the criteria for donation, you’ll go back to the clinic for some more blood tests – this time for screening for infectious diseases and genetic and hereditary conditions.
Choosing to donate your eggs is a personal and important decision. So, after you’ve talked through the process with your Specialist Donation Practitioner, you’ll also have the option to meet virtually with one of our experienced counsellors. They’ll be able to talk to you about the implications of egg donation and listen to any thoughts or worries you might have.
Before we collect your eggs, we’ll ask you to sign a few consent forms. These documents not only grant permission for us to collect your eggs but also establish what you’d like us to do with your eggs in a number of different scenarios.
You can also write a brief goodwill message, which can be given to those children when they turn 18; you might like to tell them about how it felt to help their parents, your hobbies, or just how your friends would describe you.
The first step of the treatment cycle is to stimulate your ovaries. To do this, you’ll need to give yourself daily injections for around twelve days, which we’ll teach you how to do. During this time, you’ll also need to come into the clinic on three or four mornings for ultrasound scans and blood tests.
Egg collection is a non-surgical procedure. It is typically done under mild sedation or local anaesthetic; you will not need a general anaesthetic. No incision is made, and no stitches are necessary.
Using ultrasound as a guide, we use a needle to extract eggs from the ovarian follicles via the vagina. At most, you’ll feel a few twinges, but we’d recommend having a short rest before going home.
Your eggs will be added to our Egg Bank for recipients to select for their treatment.
After donating your eggs, you’ll be entitled to find out if any babies have been born as a result, and if so, the year they were born in, and their gender. We usually recommend getting back in touch with us after a year or so if you wish to find out this information.
If a child is born from your donation, they might choose to request information about who you are when they turn 18. Your Specialist Donation Practitioner and counsellor can talk to you all about this during your session.
Donors are truly an inspiration and I see the wonderful impact they have on creating life. I share the joy their gift brings to recipients – it is an amazing gift.
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