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Find out more about endometriosis, a condition that affects 1 in 10 women and discover how fertility treatment can help you on your journey to parenthood.  

How does endometriosis affect fertility?

Endometriosis can make it harder to conceive by affecting the reproductive organs. For example, scar tissue may block the fallopian tubes, or inflammation can impact egg quality. However, not all women with the diagnosis of endometriosis have difficulty conceiving and many can conceive naturally. It is estimated that 30 to 50% of women who have difficulty conceiving after one year of regular sexual intercourse have the condition  

How does endometriosis affect fertility?

Endometriosis can make it harder to conceive by affecting the reproductive organs. For example, scar tissue may block the fallopian tubes, or inflammation can impact egg quality. However, not all women with the diagnosis of endometriosis have difficulty conceiving and many can conceive naturally. It is estimated that 30 to 50% of women who have difficulty conceiving after one year of regular sexual intercourse have the condition  

Diagnosing endometriosis

Many cases of endometriosis go undiagnosed for the simple reason that it’s very hard to diagnose, symptoms vary and overlap with other conditions so in-depth investigations are often needed. But getting a diagnosis for endometriosis is a crucial step toward managing the condition and understanding its impact on your fertility.  

Medical history

A detailed medical history will be taken looking at the nature and severity of symptoms, any family history of the condition and menstrual cycle and any challenges trying to conceive 

Physical examination A doctor will conduct a physical examination which involves feeling the abdomen and pelvis for masses, tenderness, or other abnormalities. A further pelvic examination might be performed which involves the doctor feeling inside the vagina with a gloved finger.   
Pelvic Ultrasound

An internal vaginal scan is performed to check the structure of the ovaries and uterus and the areas behind the womb. However, this scan can’t always detect endometriosis lesions so other tests might be needed.  

MRI Scan

An MRI scan is the second-line tool used in cases where the bowel and bladder is suspected of advanced endometriosis. This scan will be able to differentiate between adenomyosis and fibroids. 

Keyhole Surgery (Laparoscopy) A laparoscopy is the gold standard investigation to diagnose endometriosis, it’s a minimally invasive procedure that allows a surgeon to properly view the pelvis organs and surrounding area directly. It can confirm the presence and the extent of condition and if necessary, remove or treat the affected tissue at the same time.  

Managing endometriosis

Dietary changes such as cutting out dairy or wheat products from the diet and regular physical activity can help to manage symptom severity. 

Pain management through pain killers. 

Hormonal medications in the form of pills or injections. 

Keyhole surgery to remove or burn the lesions of Endometriosis (cysts on ovaries, lesions around the uterus or in the lining of the pelvis) and to release the scar tissue. This may be combined with hormonal treatment. Surgery for an endometriosis cyst in the ovaries can damage the ovary and may affect your ovarian reserve.  

Removal of the womb if symptoms do not respond to the above treatment options and if you no longer wish to conceive. 

Endometriosis can feel overwhelming, but it doesn’t have to define your journey. At Care Fertility, we’re here to provide expert care, innovative treatments, and compassionate support. Together, we’ll work to overcome the challenges and help you move closer to achieving your dreams of better health and starting a family.

Fertility treatment options for endometriosis

If you’ve been struggling to conceive naturally and have been diagnosed with endometriosis, there any plenty of options that can help. The type of treatment varies based on the severity of the condition and your fertility goals.  

Intrauterine insemination (IUI) and in vitro fertilisation (IVF), is recommended in the following cases: 

  • Moderate to severe endometriosis 
  • Endometriosis fertility index suggests low chances of natural conception 
  • Advanced reproductive age 
  • Patients with additional factors including blocked fallopian tube, low ovarian reserve, and abnormal semen analysis) 

In severe cases where the structure of the reproductive has been badly affected, surgical invention might be needed before treatment can begin.