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You deserve clear, transparent fertility treatment costs to make informed decisions and choose the best care for your journey.

How much does IVF cost

If you’ve been able to start your own family with Care Fertility, you know how it feels to go through IVF treatment – and how it feels when it goes well. Not everyone is so lucky, but with your help by becoming an embryo donor, we could give another couple a better chance of success. 

Pre-treatment costs

You will need certain fertility tests at the time of your first consultation/before treatment can begin. The tests are important and will provide us with insights into potential causes of fertility issues. Your doctor can use the results of your tests to inform your personalised treatment plan and discuss any recommendations in detail at your consultation.

We will provide you with a full breakdown of costs, and following your consultation, your patient services coordinator will schedule a meeting to confirm that you have all the information you need. 

Fertility assessment bundle

For those who want to check their fertility health but aren’t ready for treatment, this bundle includes hormone tests, an ultrasound scan, and expert advice.

Learn more

Pre-treatment bundle

Designed for those preparing for treatment, this package includes all necessary pre-treatment blood tests and assessments to ensure you're ready to begin.

Learn more

What pre-treatment tests are typically required?

Ovarian reserve testing

To determine the quantity and quality of your eggs, your doctor might test the concentration of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), estradiol (estrogen) and anti-mullerian hormone (AMH) in your blood during the first few days of your menstrual cycle. 

Essentially, blood work gives an understanding of the hormone levels in your blood, as hormones are essential for regulating functions in the body, which includes:  

Development of eggs 


Test results, usually done together with an ultrasound scan of your ovaries, can help predict how your ovaries will respond to fertility medication. Your fertility specialist will prescribe fertility drugs to help regulate your hormone levels, but the blood work gives us the insights we need, to know what medications should be prescribed and how your body is likely to respond to fertility treatment. 

The 2 key ovarian reserve tests are: 

  • Antral follicle count 
  • AMH blood test 
Ultrasound scan We usually carry out a pelvic ultrasound scan before you begin fertility treatment. This is an internal scan to assess your womb and ovaries and can identify if you have any uterine of fallopian tube issues. For example, you could have fibroids that may require treatment before you begin IVF. We also use ultrasound to determine your antral follicle count. 
Semen analysis

We always recommend semen analysis to every man that comes to Care Fertility to determine the quality of your sperm. Before the sperm test, you’ll need to abstain from ejaculation for three to five days. When we test your semen sample, we’ll assess: 

  • Sperm concentration (number) and volume 
  • Sperm motility (how well they’re swimming) 
  • Sperm morphology (their shape, size, and appearance) 
  • Presence of white or red blood cells 

Whether there’s an immune response, known as anti-sperm antibodies, against sperm proteins 

With the results of a semen analysis, we can give you a better idea of your chances of achieving a pregnancy and recommend fertility treatments that will maximise your chances of success. 


Infectious screening

UK law requires patients providing eggs or sperm for treatment to be screened for HIV and hepatitis three months before their first treatment cycle and once every two years. Female patients are also screened for Rubella.

All UK clinics have to do this, so please factor in the cost of these tests when comparing prices. If you are coming to Care Fertility for the first time and have the results of previous tests, you may not need to repeat the screening tests. 


Treatment add-ons

We have a range of additional treatments that may improve the success of your treatment, we will only recommend treatments based on your medical and treatment history. As these are additional to standard IVF, there are additional costs. 

PGT-A is a screening test performed on embryos produced during IVF treatment. It gives information about the genetic health of an embryo to help us select the embryos with the most potential. 

PGT-A testing can’t change the number of viable embryos available for transfer, or improve embryo health, but by only transferring the embryos that are chromosomally normal, the time to pregnancy can be shorter and the distress of failed treatment and risks of miscarriage can be reduced. 

Learn more about PGT-A.


Caremaps-AI®, our time-lapse imaging technique powered by artificial intelligence, has been designed to help us choose the embryo with the most potential without genetic testing. 

Caremaps can’t change your embryos, but it can help us choose the one which is most likely to establish a pregnancy. We believe that Caremaps can help all our patients. 

Learn more about Caremaps-AI.

Endometrial Receptivity Array (ERA)

Endometrial Receptivity Array (ERA) is a method of assessing the best time to transfer your embryo so that the embryo has the best chance of implanting and establishing a pregnancy. The womb lining (or endometrium) is only receptive to implantation for a short period, known as the implantation window. 

The procedure involves testing a sample of the womb lining and monitoring 248 genes, which, some studies suggest, regulate when the implantation window is open. 

Learn more about ERA.


Endometrial Microbiome Metagenomic Analysis (EMMA)

EMMA is a screening test that assesses bacteria in the uterine cavity. 

It is usual for bacteria in the uterine cavity however, studies show that the presence of types that cause inflammation or illness may be associated with embryo implantation failure. 

EMMA includes a complete screen of endometrial bacteria, including those affecting fertility. 

Learn more about EMMA.


Analysis of Chronic Infective Endometritis (ALICE)

ALICE is a screening test that assesses bacteria in the uterine cavity. 

It is usual for bacteria in the uterine cavity however, studies show that the presence of types that cause inflammation or illness may be associated with embryo implantation failure. 

ALICE is a more focused but limited test that looks specifically for bacteria that cause chronic, low-grade infection of the womb lining (endometritis). 

Learn more about ALICE.

Sperm Oxidative Stress Testing (SOS)

Our Sperm Oxidative Stress Testing (SOS) test determines if a patient has high levels of oxidative stress by assessing the balance of free radicals and antioxidants in a semen sample. The results help us tailor your fertility advice and treatment. 

A classic semen analysis may show the effects of oxidative stress (such as reduced quality or motility of sperm) but not show the reason behind it. 

This test can be done at the same time as a normal semen analysis, or at any other time during fertility treatment at Care Fertility. 

Learn more about SOS.

Zymot Sperm Selection

ZyMõt has been designed to mimic the body’s natural mode of sperm selection. ZyMõt is a device, also called a chip, which can be used in the IVF laboratory to prepare and select sperm for (ICSI).

ZyMōt ‘microfluidic’ sperm preparation is designed to select motile sperm with the lowest levels of DNA fragmentation compared to conventional sperm preparation techniques. 

Learn more about ZyMot.


EmbryoGlue® isn’t glue as you know it; it’s made with a substance – hyaluronan – that makes the embryo more likely to stick to the lining of the womb. If you decide to use EmbryoGlue® in your treatment, it will replace the standard culture medium that we use for embryo transfer following ICSI or IVF.

The embryo(s) selected for transfer are placed into EmbryoGlue® and are cultured for a short time up to the point of embryo transfer. The embryo transfer procedure remains the same, although the embryo is transferred in EmbryoGlue®. 

Learn more about EmbyroGlue.

EmbryoGen and BlastGen

EmbryoGen and BlastGen are culture mediums used for culturing embryos in the lab. EmbryoGen and BlastGen solutions are a type of culture media, which are liquids designed to closely mimic the natural surroundings of an embryo.

This can help embryos to grow better and make a successful embryo transfer and implantation more likely. 

Learn more about EmbryoGen and BlastGen.


Careunity is designed to help people who have experienced repeated unexplained miscarriages or unexplained implantation failure with IVF. It looks at a genetic "mutation" or "variation" in a specific gene carried on chromosome no. 4. The specific gene is Annexin A5 and is associated with and responsible for normal blood clotting in the body. 

Careunity is our unique screening test that identifies the presence of this variant in those providing sperm or eggs for fertility treatment. If either the sperm or egg provider has this variant, then there is at least a 50% chance it will be present in the embryo. 

Our own patient data shows that anyone carrying the variant can achieve the same pregnancy rates after IVF as those without the condition. 

Learn more about Careunity.


Please note that medication costs are not included in our fee schedules, as medication is tailored to each patient based on their medical history and blood test results. We will tell you the exact cost of the drugs we recommend before you decide to start treatment. 

IVF pricing

When you have your first consultation at Care Fertility, we will provide you with a tailored treatment plan including a breakdown of all estimated costs. 

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